Independent Escorts in Sonarpur

Independent Escorts in Sonarpur

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Sonarpur Escorts

How New Sonarpur Escorts are Recognizing Clients During the Covid Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought drastic changes to the world, including the escort industry. Although people still have the need for intimacy, the pandemic has created a different scenario. Escorts in Sonarpur have adapted to the new normal of wearing masks, keeping a physical distance from clients, and sanitizing regularly. For new Sonarpur escorts, recognition of clients is vital as it helps to establish a level of trust and safety when providing service. We’ll explore the different ways that escorts in Sonarpur are using to recognize their clients during Covid-19 times.

Online Verification
Many agencies that provide escort services in Sonarpur now require clients to provide identification by taking a picture of their ID. In some cases, clients may also be asked to provide their credit card information as well. This method is used to ensure that the client is who they say they are and verify their age. Verifying age is necessary to prevent minors from acquiring escort services.

Social Media Verification
Social media verification is an effective way of getting to know a client. Today, almost everyone has a social media presence, and most people use it as a platform to showcase their persona. Escorts can browse through a client’s social media profile, learn about their interests, hobbies, and even their relationship status. This information can be vital in reducing the risk associated with meeting an unknown client.

Face Recognition Technology
Some escort agencies in Sonarpur are using state-of-the-art face recognition software that helps to identify a client. This technology helps an escort agency to access a vast database of client images and match them to the client faces. Since the technology recognizes the face, it does not require the client to remove or lower their mask.

Verification of Clients on Arrival
Escorts in Sonarpur also use the traditional way of recognizing clients, which is by checking identification cards. However, this can be challenging as it may involve a level of contact that is not recommended during the pandemic. To minimize contact, some agencies are providing clients with a secure verification code after an online booking process. Clients are then required to share the code to allow the escort to verify their identity upon arrival.

Video Verification
This is another method that has become more common during the pandemic. Clients and escorts have a video chat before the meeting to verify each other’s identity. The video call is done without compromising privacy, without any exchange of personal information. This method also helps to reduce the risks involved in meeting a new client.

The pandemic has affected several industries globally, and the escort industry is no exception. Escorts in Sonarpur have adopted various new ways to recognize their clients during the Covid-19 pandemic. check here These methods include online verification, social media verification, face recognition technology, verification of clients on arrival, and video verification. The industry is taking steps to ensure that safety measures are put in place to protect escorts and clients alike during the pandemic. As a client, it is essential to be transparent about one’s identity prior to meeting with an escort in Sonarpur. Safety is a shared responsibility, and every client should do their part to help minimize the risks involved during these uncertain times.

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